In the east ends of the Island, we awoke today to snow. The sky and ground share the same deep white powdery feel. The only distinction between the earth and heavens are the bare brown trees outlined by pockets of snow deep within it's crevices and perched on it's limbs......White, contrary to popular belief, is not an actual color. It is a reflection of all colors. Perfectly fitting I suppose, for a day such as this, the eve of a new year, a moment to reflect and to prepare to begin again.
Last year, like almost every year, I had a list of things I swore to myself I will get done. Lose weight, get organized, get out of debt, save, be a better mother, stop biting my nails, make more time out for my boys, make more time out for my husband, for my friends, for healthier, be present, be open...I will not sweat the small stuff, will write more, paint more, worry less....I will be better, be bolder, be fearless, enjoy more, seize the day, make the most of it....I will be the very definition of balance, I will be zen........Needless to say I ended up heavier, more tired, more stressed, depleted, depressed, nail less, absolutely confused, considerably disoriented and disorganized. The only time management I was able to see was Time managing to paddle and punish me, winning yet again. If you want to set yourself up for failure make resolutions.........
Perhaps my idea of what should be is not necessarily the most rational taking into consideration my age, my mental state, my workload, and my inability to discipline anything, let alone myself.
Perhaps I need to rethink resolutions and try social story strategies, breaking it down into smaller more attainable steps,focusing on 1 goal at a time. Turn that list from typical Resolution list to an IRP (Individual Resolution Program)....Maribel will resist the chocolate 80% of the time.....Maribel will put down that cocktail and exercise 80% of the time.....Maribel will complete what she started 80% of the time......Maribel will learn to accept the 80% and not throw it away because it is not 100%.......Maribel will learn to let go 80% of the time.....
When I was an apprentice under the Artist John Kacere, he would assign certain drawings that I had to do and then observe the way I would tackle a clean sheet of paper. You are a dessert girl, he would proclaim, explaining that I would pay most attention to what I loved ( the human figure and face) and somehow let everything else fade out completely. His great lesson was to pay attention to the whole page, work it from drinks and appetizers to coffee and dessert and then you will leave yourself and everyone satisfied,,,or with heartburn and indigestion....or a hangover....He would say "let go of the first time get it right mentality", work and rework it until you are comfortable with it. Be thoughtful, be studious, be observant....erase mistakes and try again. Round what needs to be rounded, Shade what recedes, highlight what protrudes... Details, subtle and not so subtle, are of paramount importance to the essence of the piece. Everything has a place and purpose....Everything matters.......
So on this whitest of days, on the ends of the Island, I think of all the colors that have graced my year. 2009 has been challenging to say the least. My new years resolution? Tackle this new clean year the same way John Kacere taught me how to look at a sheet of paper. Hopefully a little more patient and forgiving....respecting it's essence, paying attention to it's details..........
Happy New Year
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