Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Anchored by the "what if".....
unfulfilled potential shades
what could have blossomed..............


Nancy Bea Miller said...

Excellent piece Maribel!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. It is so hard not to think about what ifs. That comes from hindsight, which doesn't do much, but make us feel guilty.

Tau Jackson said...

I love this haiku - oh how we do anchor ourselves, like Odysseus tied to the mast, and then run with it!

At first I was confuzzled, because the link was to your entire blog, instead of a permalink to just your poem, but I figured it out! Take a look at the helpful FAQs on how (and why) to link just to your poem. Although you probably already know this ^_^' Sincerely, Tau Jackson

Tumblewords: said...

Excellent. The what if's seem to override the what could's. And still the regret hangs.