Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow fall

She watches the snow fall fiercely. The cold pane she rests her cheek on stings, but the sight of the moon against the deep prussian blue sky, and all that snow, waltzing it's way down, dipping and twirling, has her mesmerized......

There was a time when the only difference in her heart between castles of ice and sand, was the wardrobe worn. It wasn't until she realized that the concrete streets which shaped her accent were the very same that served as beds for the homeless, was there a preference assigned .

The house, quietly dormant, breathes in unison. The only sounds she hears are the rustling of the pine needles as they drop from the Christmas tree, now dry and ready to be let go........and the howls of the wind and it's boom as it hits what it cannot penetrate.......................

The remnants of a year passed and one just begun hangs on doors and rests on mantles. She writes the names of each of her children on the frost of the window and smiles. In challenging times it is the simple act of delineating each letter of each sons name that brings perspective back to her. In the most extreme of days, it is always the sweet markings of her boys, their whispered names, that lead her home...past the, sand, sky.......

And so the snow fiercely falls.........

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