Wednesday, August 19, 2009

PETA how Petty.......

I have a hard time understanding how groups that claim to focus on awareness and the humane treatment of animals (which I am all for) can so often irresponsibly, recklessly, maliciously, and brazenly degrade, dehumanized and objectify women. But then I have a hard time being able to respect anyones opinion when it comes at the expense of an innocent bystander.

PETA, the infamous animal rights group, decided it was a delicious idea to put up a billboard in Jacksonville Florida with the caption "Save the Whales, lose the blubber, go vegetarian" and right along side of it was the image of the back of an obese woman, in a red polka doted bikini. They further justified their actions by suggesting that they were reminding residents struggling to lose weight that going vegetarian was an effective way to shed those extra pounds and keep them looking good in a bikini. The Vice President of PETA, Tracy Reiman then topped off this sundae of a statement with this quintessential cherry.."trying to hide your thunder thighs and balloon belly is no day at the beach".........

I am a big defender of animal rights. I believe that they should be treated humanely. I cringe when I hear hunting called a sport, and I seriously think that using population control as a means to justify the cruelty that takes place is obscene. There has to be better ways of dealing with these issues. We keep taking over their space and then retaliate with bullets when they wander into ours...go figure....Fur coats? Again,'s cruel...Beauty product testing? Not...Now when it comes to medicine and finding cures, I hesitate...I think of my children, my loved ones and I have an issue with black and white answers here....

But hey, aren't we part of the animal kingdom as well? Then why is it that it's fair game and open season on women? Whether society thinks they are overweight, or too old, or too opinionated...or too pretty to hold a discussion or too plain to be worth anything.....When did PETA think it ok to objectify women to sell a movement..having thin models and actresses highlighted in the "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" but then try to demean them when it comes down to starting another one? Becoming vegetarian to lose weight? Are you kidding? Look good in a bikini, get naked, wear lettuce bras? When did they think it ok to manipulate who we are at our very essence; thoughtful, creative, intelligent, strong, maternal, understanding, beautiful human beings, and turn us into the next publicity stunt? Do they think us that worthless? If these campaigns were made to spark thought and conversation, exactly what were they expecting us to think, never mind say? Perhaps they think we can't, because it appears we have gone along with it for so long and struggled to fit into a stereotype that just isn't realistic for everyone, like 99% of us.....That after all is said and done, it is always ok to use women as they see fit and then discard until the next incensing ad campaign? Just how is awareness given any real justice when the needs of animals are being deliberately put aside to continuously promote the exploitation of women. Not too long ago television broadcasting networks were firing seasoned talented anchorwomen and replacing them with what they considered younger, prettier versions to up the ratings. Not to long ago, a rape victim was accused of enticing her attacker by questioning what she wore. Not to long ago, women past the age of 40 were considered over the hill. Young women now, ignorantly say they are not feminists with great pride. We need to bring the movement back front and center and start the conversation back up again. We come in all sizes, all forms, all ages, all nationalities, ethnic and religious backgrounds, and it's all beautiful. And their is a place for all of it, and there is absolutely no need to objectify it, there is an absolute need to embrace it.

For the record, there is a real problem off the coast of Japan with the slaughtering of whales, and of dolphins, but I guess that didn't offend PETA enough as a voluptuous woman enjoying herself on the beach.

Here's the irony...One of the very reasons why I became a vegetarian over 25 years ago, was because I personally couldn't stomach eating anything with a face or brain. If it could have eye contact or feelings, I couldn't enjoy it. I accept the whole food chain, but I couldn't get past it. I can honestly say that I have gained a tremendous amount of weight, because guess what? Pasta, bread, cheese, sauces, cake, ice cream, chocolate, pizza, cookies, potato chips, wine, cocktails...all of these things don't have eyes or a thought....So, a vegetarian diet isn't going to make you thinner, but eating right, eating smaller portions, whether you are a meat eater or not, will help you out as long as you exercise as well...which by the way I haven't done...So in the meantime, I prefer the term Rubenseque, voluptuous, curvy, well rounded, or healthy....I am woman hear me roar......Who am I kidding, I spend the whole day yelling at the kids, but still.......

So excuse me while I wiggle my way off the soap box, PETA just may harpoon me............

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