Sweet sites were rolling down my street today.....Who knew a long yellow bus could produce such excitement! (ok, minds out of the gutter please....) Like chocolate on wheels I tell you....
The bus stop is where you can tell the newbie parents from the tattered veterans....The newbies are there with video cameras, all weepy eyed...(yes, I was one once too)....you just know little notes of love and encouragement were slipped into their kids lunch boxes.....hearts breaking, kisses given, personal escorts to the bus door, waving hysterically like a coked up beauty queen winner until the bus rounds the corner......newbie......sweet, but oh so naive.....
Tattered veteran....well......
Here's what those of us whose number seems to be on the schools speed dial do; those of us who, when looking at the caller id thinks "Lord, who did what this time, or who has what this time, or who needs to be evaluated for what again...." Those of us who have considered sending our kids with t-shirts saying "I'm sorry, in advanced, for what I'm about to do to you all year long"........or considered wearing t shirts saying "my child gets his bad behavior from his father's side" to the parent teacher conference......here's what we do........or at least what I do and I have witnessed a few other neighbors do.....We patrol the area for the bus..(mind you we don't care what we are wearing or not wearing)....We start screaming "the bus is coming, the bus is coming". We then proceed to make sure that child is front and center for that bus to see him/her and Not pass them. As soon as the bus pulls up we, flashing our colgate smiles and them some, praise whatever God or Saint comes to mind,
dance in place (insert dance of choice, cabbage patch, stanky leg, running man, etc, etc) and do cartwheels all the way back to our front door, and snap the picture of the kid getting into the bus for visual proof of the occasion, just in case you might think it was a figment of the imagination...
Mind you, if there is a note in the lunch box it would read "Behave or Else"....there are no tears, have a good day is actually yelled while mid air doing the cartwheel....and the video camera, well you can't video tape and do acrobatics at the same time because Lord knows we are not in our 20's anymore, or are Paris Hilton.....there is a quick wave at the end, more like a salute and a "see ya".....Exhale, breathe in, breathe out, and catch up begins............
So there you have it, the first day of the school year for us, and not a phone call from school today (knock on wood)...Maybe that is a good sign.....or maybe I need to continue to take things one day at a time and stop getting ahead of myself.....
The bus came, the bus finally came!!!!!! YES!!!!!! And the best part is....it'll come again tomorrow ......Sweet sites rolling down my street....the yellow brigade..........aahhhhhh......
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